The parents of the Daple, a representative of Pichu Pichu Tokyo, are from Okina Yara Island. In 2011, we will visit our parents who traveled to Okinoda-Nagahara Islands early to visit His parents often visited.
Every long vacation visit the island and feels the wonderfulness of nature and the warmth of people, and know the current situation of various remote islands.
In this island surrounded by beautiful sea and nature, the marine plastic problem is faced and the island people picked up garbage every morning and worked on problem solving.
But even if it is, garbage will flow as every day.
When you look at such problems, Pichu Pichu Tokyo
"We will face off the marine plastic problem and conduct environmentally friendly brand activities."
While protecting the beautiful sea and rich nature, we deliver the desired product, and we have raised a society that children make a society where children want to have a wish.